Dr. Zumbahlen’s years of experience have led her to know intimately what type of patient she can best serve and where she can most contribute within the vast and nuanced field of psychology. Her  specialization in neurodevelopment with a particular focus on autism and related disorders for young children has served hundreds of patients and their parents. 

Not all therapists come to the table with this type of ability - to hold the concept of the therapy while creatively engaging with young people. For these reasons and more, Dr. Zumbahlen’s practice is focused primarily on children and occasionally young adults. 

Building on and going beyond traditional therapies, Dr. Zumbahlen has honed her skills in decoding the thoughts, feelings and messages that those with a neurodevelopmental disorder, especially children, attempt to communicate. She is at her best when engaging young children in relationship-based play therapy, which incorporates parents for enhancing child/parent interaction. Through her observations, using various specialized modalities, she is often able to decipher the esoteric communication patterns of young children with neurodevelopmental disorders, and get to the true feelings that are most often a mystery to others, particularly parents. 

She helps children who struggle to communicate, and who do not have the usual coping skills, to link language to emotions, therefore more effectively communicate what is often hidden behind the frustrations of both parent and child. This special work includes coaching and educating the parents on the best ways to communicate thus deepening relationships with their children.   

For adult patients with complex cases, she is the catalyst that can unlock the underlying issues of the presenting problem, such as anxiety, and assist to move patients onto the next specialist where they would be best served on their journey.